PL  |  EN

OIV method for the determination of the alcoholic strength and volatile acidity in wines, musts and spirits

Gibertini Elettronica s.r.l.

This application note describes the OIV official method for the determination of the alcoholic strength by volume in wines, musts and spirits and of the volatile acidity, particularly adapted for wines, liqueurs, beers, perfumes, alcoholic solution in general and spirits.

The current regulation (for wine distillation) requires that the distilling unit satisfies the following test: distil 5 times in succession a water-alcohol mixture with an alcoholic strength of 10% vol. After the last distillation, the distillate should present an alcoholic strength of almost 9,9%vol, in other words during each distillation the instrument does not lose a quantity of alcohol higher than 0.02%vol.

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